Funded by Aidsfonds, the KidzAlive@home project aims to improve the finding of children and adolescents living with HIV and to link them to sustainable HIV treatment and care.
Our strategy includes:
Empowering the community through enhancing awareness and engagement.
This involves educating and mobilising various community entities such as community-based and faith-based organisations, war rooms, ward AIDS committees, and healthcare facilities to prioritise children in HIV case identification, treatment, and adherence.
Training and Mentorship
Training and mentoring community healthcare workers to introduce child-friendly approaches and enhance their confidence, competence, and willingness to provide HIV services to children.
Engaging households through sub-granted community-based organisations.
This includes actively connecting children living with HIV to care, providing support for adherence and disclosure, advocating within the community, and establishing child-friendly spaces in local communities.
Expected Outcomes:
• Increased number of children and adolescents tested for HIV
• Increased number of HIV Positive children and adolescents Initiated on ART
• Newly tested HIV positive children and adolescents provided with age-appropriate disclosure support
• Increased number of HIV positive children and adolescents retained in care
• Children and adolescents already on ART provided with age-appropriate disclosure support
• Number of HIV positive children and adolescents under the age of 15 enrolled in KidzAdherence Support Groups